ESSR Sports Imaging Course and 4th Rostock Summer School on Musculoskeletal Cross Sectional Imaging 2021

Thank you very much!
Dear participants, colleagues and friends,
I am very happy to have welcomed you to this year's ESSR Sports Imaging Course and 4th International Rostock Summer School 2021! This year’s hybrid event was very well evaluated and appreciated by 104 participants from 17 different countries (including India, Peru, Iran, and Australia).
In addition to all speakers and chairmen, I would like to thank Siemens, Bayer, GE, Visus, Bracco and Fujifilm for their financial support. Furthermore, I would like to express my great thanks to the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR), the German Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR), the German Radiological Society (DRG) and the Medical Association of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for their continued support and for the accreditation of this course.
Finally, I would like to thank the local organizing committee for their perfect support of this conference. Without their many hours of tireless support and help, such a new version of this series of events would not have been possible in these difficult times.
Next year, I would like to cordially invite you to the ESSR annual scientific meeting taking place in Rostock-Hohe Düne from June 9th till 11th. Hopefully, we can then meet again face to face.
With my very best regards and many greetings from the Baltic Sea Coast,
Prof. Dr. Marc-André Weber
Day 1 (July 23rd):
08:00 Registration
09:00 Short Introduction
09:05 Welcome address
Session 1 – Update on Cartilage imaging
09:15 Overview of modern cartilage repair techniques
09:45 Morphological modern cartilage imaging
10:15 Biochemical cartilage imaging – ready to use in sports imaging?
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break
Session 2 – Knee I – focus session ACL
11:15 Basic principles of treating ACL tears
11:45 Acute and chronic ACL tear – primary and secondary signs
12:15 The postoperative ACL
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch break and buffet
Session 3 – Knee II
14:00 Meniscal injuries
14:30 The collateral ligaments: what radiologists should know
15:00 Posteromedial and posterolateral corner injuries
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
Session 4 – Groin pain in athletes
16:00 Groin pain in athletes – the surgeon’s perspective
16:30 Hip impingement as cause of groin pain
17:00 Dedicated MRI and symphysography in osteitis pubis
17:30 End of lectures at day 1
17:40 Social Event: Guided tour of the university’s treasure chamber, museum and church by the Rector of the University of Rostock
Day 2 (July 24th): The Sports in Spotlight for my daily practice
09:00 Short Introduction and welcome address
Session 5 – Shoulder
09:05 Shoulder MR-arthrography – how and when?
09:35 Imaging findings in overhead athletes
10:05 Shoulder instabilities
10:35 - 11:00 Coffee break
Session 6 – Ankle
11:00 What the trauma surgeons needs from the radiologists?
11:30 Ankle ligament injuries
12:00 Plantar fascia and Achilles tendon injuries
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break and buffet
Session 7 – Vertebral column
13:30 Spine and sports – the pediatric orthopedics perspective
14:00 Spine and sports – the radiologists perspective
14:30 Severe trauma of the spine
Session 8 – Closing session
15:00 Quiz cases – not always straightforward
15:30 MRI findings in asymptomatic athletes – Relevant or not?
16:00 Overuse injuries